
Thank you for your interest in Dr Nandanas Dental Clinic, a specialist dental practice dedicated to excellence in dental care. We are specialist members and look forward to being of service to you Our Specialist team comprises of ex-Faculty of Teaching Institutions in the fields of Periodontology, Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery and Prosthodontics. We provide the highest standard of professional care in a friendly, comfortable environment. Specialist services are available for procedures such as extractions, Impactions, Periodontal interventions, Implants and Bite related issues. We however do not undertake complete denture cases.

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Initial Consultation

Your initial appointment will consist of a consultation explaining your diagnosis and treatment options.
Occasionally treatment can be carried out on the same day as the initial consultation. However incase of a complex medical history, an appropriate treatment plan will be made & appointments scheduled accordingly.

Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:

  • A list of medications you are presently taking
  • Your Medical history

If you would like additional information, please feel free to contact us.

Emergency Dental Care

When you have a dental emergency, you need to be seen right away. And that’s what we do. Give us a call, and we’ll work you into our schedule. We recognize how important it can be for that person who is truly hurting to be seen right away. For further information please refer to the Faq Page.

Fear of the Dentist

Fear of the dentist is very common. Its most often related to painful memories of dental care, and even the thought of sitting down in a dental chair prevents them from wanting to visit a dentist. We understand the fear component and want to do everything we can to help you through this. We take the fear out with painless injections, a very gentle technique, or even if desired it. The needles used are superfine and the method of injections are barely felt. Patients generally don’t even realize till the injecting is over.

Do I need root canal treatment even if my tooth doesn’t hurt?

Pain is the single symptom that the patient experiences . However pain may be absent when the disease process in your tooth pulp goes into a chronic stage Your endodontist will read the high resolution xray image that is taken in the clinic and explain when and why a root canal may be needed

The reason for needing a root canal is to remove the infection before it gets worse. Nevertheless, if the infection has reached your pulp or root canals, then root canal therapy must be performed to save the tooth.

How long will root canal treatment take?

Most root canal appointments take at least 1-2 appointments to complete, however in some rare cases more appointments may be required. The amount of appointments required for your individual case will depend on how advanced the infection is and how much swelling and inflammation it has caused. You can expect each treatment appointment to last about 1-2 hours.

What happens after root canal treatment?

Root canal treated teeth have to be immediately crowned to prevent fracture and subsequent extraction

After root canal treatment , you will be guided about the various options with advantages to restore and protect your treated tooth. Until the affected tooth is properly restored, you will want to avoid chewing on that side to prevent the tooth from fracturing. It is important to note, that failure to continue your follow up care after a root canal ,can cause the root canal to fail and your tooth to be lost.

Do I Have to be worried about Xrays ?


1. We use Radiovisiography (RVG) as the latest imaging technique in dentistry with the minimal radiation exposure of the patient and numerous possibilities to process the images has many advantages over classic radiography.

2. We use high end DC Xray machines which have minimal scatter radiation and increase patient and doctor safety.

3. We use thyroid collars for all patients and lead aprons for pregnant patients for safety.

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We understand that your budget is often an important issue when considering dental care. During your consultation , Dr Nandana will review your treatment plan with you and provide a description of the proposed treatment.

Options for Affordable Dentistry

  • One cannot insist on doing ideal dentistry for every patient. Here we will always let you know what the ideal treatment is. But we also recognize the need for affordable dentistry. So we will give you choices.
  • Often, there is more than one way to treat a dental problem. We discuss and work together to make your dentistry affordable with less expensive choices whenever required.

Patient Billing

The fee for Endodontic therapy is determined by the complexity of the tooth. Fees for restorative work will depend upon the choices you make from all the available options. Consultation fees are payable at the time of consultation. We accept bank cheques, personal cheques and cash.