
Why Choose an Endodontist?

Endodontists are dentists with at least two additional years of advanced specialty education in diagnosis and root canal treatment. They use their special training and experience in treating difficult cases, such as teeth with narrow or blocked canals, or unusual anatomy. Endodontists may use advanced technology, such as operating microscopes, ultrasonics and digital imaging, to perform these special services. The training, tools and techniques of endodontists have advanced a lot in recent years. Today, getting root canal treatment is often no more uncomfortable than having a filling. Read about one patient’s experience with a root canal specialist and how the endodontist’s calm, caring manner put him at ease.

What is Endodontics/Root Canal Treatment?

Decades ago, infected teeth were immediately extracted and replaced with artificial teeth. Today with advances in research and concerns on “saving natural , Being Natural”, Root canal treatment has become the treatment of choice for all infected teeth . Most severely broken down teeth too, can be easily saved with rootcanal treatment and buildup procedures . Modern advances in technology has made it possible for specialists to deliver this treatment almost pain free.

The procedure entails removal of the pulp tissue from within the tooth, disinfecting the canal occupied by the pulp followed by sealing this canal with a moisture proof filling material . The entire procedure takes about an hour and is performed under a local anaesthetic. This tooth then becomes a part of the patient for a lifetime after being protected with a crown.

By referring you to a specialist who performs nothing but endodontic procedures, your family denist is demonstrating a personal concern for the quality of your dental care.